Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Most Desolate Time
The window was covered with iron grating on the outside. The first night, deeply manic and lost in delusion I threw a cup of urine in the face of the night attendant and tried to escape. It took five of them to subdue me. They gave me a shot of Haldol and put me in restraints. I was terrified and completely helpless and alone and ashamed. I was afraid I would be there forever, with those other lost, broken people. One of the voluble manics took me under his wing. He coaxed me into calling my wife and pleading my case with her, told me to be sure to request certain medications and refuse others. I did push ups and chins on the pipes above the grated-in deck, thinking of softball season.
The Eastern Oregon mornings were bitter cold, temperatures in single digits. I window in the day room looked out on the prison yard next door. The cons would gather in groups, hands in their pockets, breath rising above their heads. The morning sun gleamed off the razor wire.
The meals were starchy and tasteless, and I shuffled through the day, spent hours writing. By the third week lithium had stabilized my symptoms and they assured me I'd be getting out soon. About then it was revealed to me Susan "would not be a resource for me" when I got out. My mother agreed to have me stay with her. At 6 a.m., on a Monday in early March, they took me to the bus station and rode the long hours through the one gas station towns to Portland. To begin a new life.
I called for jobs the next day and got a temp assignment, and a few days into the week called the garbage company and they hired me back. I have no idea why. I suppose everyone there was crazy too in their own way. The other guys were understandably wary of me, but just as happy to not have to double up on their routes. I kept to myself even before, so my isolation and unspoken separateness didn't seem unusual. I think I've always held myself apart from people. Everyone probably assumes it's out of snobbery or unfriendliness or a spirit of judgment, but it's not. It's the fear of being found out, of having all that vulnerability and shame exposed. Not just the mental illness. I've been relatively healthy and functioning for 17 years now. It's the weight of everything else, growing up poor, having yellow teeth, secretly feeling unlikeable and unworthy and eccentric.
Eventually the shame faded. I buried the experience, began my grief over the unraveling of my second marriage, got an apartment, reconnected with my kids. I went to movies and played golf, read books. I went back to night school and finished my degree. It was just a night school diploma from a nothing college in a subject, Human Development, that would lead to no kind of career, but it was an important symbol to me. I finished something. I started something new. There was no triumphant moment or get breakthrough, but I stayed healthy and never had to go back to the window with the iron grates and the razor wire and the bitter cold. I don't think of it often but you never forget a place like that. It's surprising, given that experience, that I don't live with more purpose and humility and perspective. Sometimes I have this fragile shell of pretense about me, and it doesn't serve me well.
These days I keep myself busy with amusements. Sometimes we use things and activity to hide from the truth of our lives. All of those painful and misspent choices have something to teach us, the failed relationships, the dead end jobs, the dark corners and blind alleys of time. I kept myself hidden from other people. I have a job I hate and do poorly. There was a lot I didn't want anyone to know, and was frantic to forget myself. You can use television or poker or Bowl Bound College Football like a drug. You can throw things away or keep them hidden away, but the gleam of the razor wire is still blinding in your memory.
This is the Way the Transformation Begins
"Some men see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say "Why not?"
George Bernard Shaw, Robert F. Kennedy
This is the way the transformation begins.
It begins in me.
It begins now.
It begins with small incremental changes and shifts in attitude
it begins with positive action
failing forward
and suddenly I start looking at the world and my place in it in a new way. I speak differently and dress differently and project a different energy, and the world opens up like a glorious pink azalea bush, eight feet tall and blooming like mad.

photo by Kajo123 from the website flickr.com
Good morning!
It is not so with a dream. Some people are remarkable dreamers and dreams spring whole from them, or they can leap up from bed and pages of creative genius flow out of their pen, intricate and perfect. Most of us though are baby dreamers, new at it and tentative to the trust the power of what we wish for.
Start the dream! Whether you want to go to nursing school or college or learn to play the guitar, take a first step, now, even in the wrong direction. Don't wait for the blueprint to come to you, the environmental impact statement, the permits and the 200-page budget and legislative dream approval. Rough it out, sketch it on a napkin, tell a friend, and take action. Your dream begins the moment you step out in first moment of believing, and the result can touch a thousand souls. Listen to Jim Valvano: never give up, never surrender. Believe in the audacity of action and your fantastic potential for change and new opportunity.

The Hawthorne Bridge at sunrise, Portland Oregon. Photo by Joe Collver, from flickr.com
Make it a daily practice to begin your day with five minutes of thankfulness. You can even do it in your car on the way to work. Do it in your own way, whether it's thoughtful reflection or a prayer or singing out loud, but focus on your rich, amazing, abundant life.
Feeling grumpy or resentful or worried instead of thankful? Change direction! Consider the incredible gifts you have--mind, body, spirit, senses, your family, your friends, your clothes, your car, and the breakfast you enjoyed this morning. By the standards of 99% of the world, Americans are incredibly, amazingly rich. You truly have no idea how richly blessed you are until you start thinking about it. Even the heart that beats within you and the lungs that breathe your air are an intricate and amazing miracle.
Some of my favorite movies are ones that feature a once-defeated character waking up to an absolutely new day: "It's A Wonderful Life," the various versions of Dicken's "Christmas Carol" and "Groundhog Day." How exhilarating it is for George Bailey to wake up and realize his life isn't over, it's just beginning, and that today truly is a brand new day.
Dad -
I have lots to say about this as, whether you know or not, it did quite a number on me those years ago. I probably think about it much more than you do, and Grandma and I had shared some words about it a time or two as well. Someday I might tell you about it. I've written several journal entrys and letters to you over the years about it but they were never sent or shared. I even wrote a little about it in a college paper last term (for which I received yet another A I'll have you know!). I'm a sorry it happened to you but mostly I was really mad at you. Anyway maybe someday we'll talk about it before you get old and gray, oh wait that already happened, hahahahaha I am so funny. Love you.
PS I liked Susan she was much better than the black widow even if she did eat pizza funny. Who puts french dressing on their pizza??????
New BLOG!!!! The people demand it. It was my Christmas present remember. It's been days now and I need something to read........
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